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“In Vitro” fertilization (IVF) is an Assisted Reproduction Technique that consists of extracting the eggs from a patient who has previously been stimulated with hormonal therapy and putting them in contact with the sperm in the laboratory (insemination). or more oocytes from a woman with her partner's sperm in the laboratory.
In this way, the aim is to promote fertilization when there is naturally a problem that makes it difficult. Once the oocytes are fertilized, the resulting embryo or embryos are evaluated and transferred to the uterus, in a variable number according to different parameters considered, up to a maximum of three, which is what is legally permitted.
The ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) technique is a specialized form of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in which a single previously selected sperm is used to microinject it into an egg. It is used in cases of low quantity or mobility of sperm and in patients without sperm in the ejaculate, where they are obtained by testicular biopsy. It is recommended in patients with low egg recovery, women over 40 years of age, previous failures in conventional IVF, and genetic problems that require preimplantation diagnosis. The probability of pregnancy with ICSI is 50% in women under 38 years of age.
Most semen samples contain a 50% of sperm carrying the Y chromosome and a 50% of sperm carrying the X chromosome, giving an equal chance of having a boy or a girl.
However, there are methods to select the sex of the baby, which are used by the couple's decision, medical reasons or to balance the family composition when all children are of the same sex.
These methods use a patented technique to determine the gender of the embryo and fulfill the wish of having a boy or a girl.
Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is used in conjunction with in vitro fertilization (IVF) to select embryos without genetic abnormalities before their transfer to the mother's uterus.
It is recommended for couples at risk of genetic diseases, recurrent miscarriages, implantation failures, women over 35 years of age and men with meiosis problems in sperm.
PGD includes techniques such as FISH and microarrays, the latter being highly precise (96-98%) and increasing the probability of success of having a baby at 60-70% when microarray-analyzed embryos are transferred to a receptive uterus.
There are cases in which the patient does not present sperm in the ejaculated semen sample, but they are present in the reproductive tissues.
In these cases, certain interventions can be performed to capture sperm from these tissues, such as PESA (Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration) and MESA (Epididymal Sperm Aspiration).
Depending on the concentration of sperm observed, their motility, as well as the number of cells present in the sample, it can be used for IUI, IVF or ICSI treatments.
Today's reproductive surgery uses advanced techniques with minimal incisions and cameras to reduce problems and recovery times.
Provida Fertility Clinic offers specialists and technology for procedures such as hysteroscopy (to treat fibroids, adhesions and uterine polyps) and laparoscopy (to explore the pelvis, abdomen and ovaries).
Testicular biopsy is a painless procedure that lasts about 15-20 minutes and is used to recover sperm in cases of azoospermia (absence of sperm in the ejaculate). It is performed through a small incision in the testicle under sedation.
After the procedure, you may feel discomfort for a few days, you should wear a jockstrap and avoid sexual relations for two weeks. In addition to diagnosis, it is used to recover sperm from the testicle when they are not present in the ejaculate, and it has been observed that these sperm have less damage to their DNA.
There is also a less invasive variant called a needle biopsy, but it may not be sufficient in all cases.
Freezing ovarian tissue, eggs and semen samples is crucial for patients receiving treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy, as it preserves the possibility of having children in the future.
These samples are stored indefinitely at temperatures that stop deterioration, ensuring they are in optimal condition when thawed for later use.
Advanced reproductive surgery techniques involve small incisions and the use of cameras for less invasive procedures, reducing discomfort, scarring and recovery times.
En Clínica Neorigen, contamos con especialistas y tecnología para realizar histeroscopias (identificación y eliminación de problemas uterinos) y laparoscopias (exploración de la pelvis, abdomen y ovarios) en estas modalidades avanzadas.
Diabetes can affect sexual function in men, causing erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorders and damage to sperm quality.
In women, diabetes can influence fertility, shortening the reproductive period and causing late menarche and early menopause. Fertility preservation is recommended in diabetic patients to allow preconception control and achieve pregnancies at more appropriate times.
Once the embryo transfer has been carried out, the vitrification of the good quality embryos not transferred is carried out, in order to be able to be used in a subsequent cycle without the need for ovarian stimulation.
Our goal is to provide you with effective and safe options to maximize your chances of starting a family.
Conoce los distintos testimonios de nuestros pacientes. Ellos decidieron elegirnos, y sus vidas dieron un giro
Nuestra paciente Kesai Zuñiga nos comparte cómo su sueño se hizo realidad… ¡ser mamá!
Yareth Rabago nos cuenta cómo realizó su control prenatal de la mano de nuestros expertos en fertilidad. Después de un arduo proceso de acompañamiento y cuidados especializados, hoy carga en brazos a sus lindos gemelos.
Arabel Arriola nos relata acerca de su vivencia al someterse a un tratamiento de fertilidad en Neorigen.
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Horario: Lunes – Viernes 8am – 8pm
Sábado: 8am – 4pm
Teléfono: 3336282005